Video Content

Video Marketing

Over the past decade, the digital landscape and consumer behavior have changeddramatically. The human race is littered with avenues to stay connected and it no longerinvolves a desktop or laptop computer to search the web and consume content.Instead, they are picking up their mobile phones and laying in bed with their tablets.What’s more, digital technology if properly campaigned & managed is cheaper and significantly more effective today than it’s ever been before. With pinpoint targeting andsocial media listening software, there are virtually no boundaries on what, when, where and how much people can interact with your content.
That being said, the landscape of content marketing needs to pivot to keep up, obviously. Today, content only succeeds if it delivers what consumers want, when and how they want it.

How do you deliver?

Fortunately, it’s easy to keep up with the changing landscape when you invest in cutting-edge forms of content, such as video marketing. In today’s fast-paced world, videomarketing is one of the few types of online material that provides the value, relevanceand flexibility consumers need, all while catering to the on-the-go lifestyle they want.But even with an investment in fantastic programs, you will still need to understand your own digital landscape as it pertains to reaching consumers that are intricately tied to your business profit centers.
We have all heard the slogan “Content is King,” well take a look at everything you need to know about video marketing and why it’s not the heir apparent but it is now the KING of current content.

Let’s take a digital hike through the video marketing numbers…

Not convinced video marketing is the next generation of digital marketing? Here is the TMZ insider trading scoop on a few statistics that explains exactly how popular video marketing has become in recent years, according to news shared by a very credible source, HubSpot:
  • Video is projected to claim more than 80% of all web traffic by 2019.
  • Adding a video to marketing emails can boost click-through rates by 200-300%.
  • Embedding videos in landing pages can increase conversion rates by 80%.
  • 90% of customers report that product videos help them make purchasing decisions.
  • According to YouTube, mobile video consumption grows by 100% every year.
  • 64% of customers are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video about it.
  • 87% of online marketers are currently using video content in their digital marketing strategies.
  • A third of all the time people spend online is dedicated to watching videos.
  • Video ads now account for more than 35% of all ad spending online.
  • 69% of company decision makers would rather watch a video than read an article or blog post.
One of the most widely know digital marketing experts estimate that a single minute of video content is the equivalent of 1.8 million words.

Let me give you some reasons you should implement video marketing.

As one of the fastest-growing and most in-demand forms of marketing out there, video marketing stands out as one thing all marketers should be using right now.
Video content promotes brand awareness and any other message you wish to deliver deep into the brain. Let’s get medical for a second. Every thumbnail, every click, every video gives you a little dopamine hit. Your brain rewards your behavior by releasing dopamine in the nucleus accumbens. This feels good and motivating, so you do it again, and again. One more video, and tomorrow anew. Over time, synaptic connections between neurons strengthen, a habit forms, and genes in the nucleus accumbens become overexpressed (specifically, ΔFosB). In some cases, you can even become addicted. I apologize if that was painful to read… Just imagine if it was in video? It would have taken 7.2 seconds and you would have retained it! In about 10 seconds you will forever forget the word accumbens.
Using your own Life Experience Ph.D. let’s take a journey through your mind’s eye from the outside in. Think back to the last marketing medium that you remember. I would venture to say it was some form of video.

Video marketing will enhance your site’s SEO.

69% of companies’ decision-makers visit a digital marketing companies’ website after viewing a branded video. Numbers don’t lie! High quality and relevant video marketing content will drastically improve your site’s SEO by driving consumers to pages within your website specific to the targeted audience. Additionally, video can enhance your conversion rates: HubSpot reports that 39% of business decision-makers contact a vendor after viewing a branded video.


Video marketing is the only channel that will help in every area of your digital footprint and the content can be used as microcontent. So if you have ever tried to kill 2 birds with one stone, video marketing allows you to kill much more than 2. Absolutely nothing brings a stronger ROI.